We had big (expensive) plans, but in light of all the stuff that has happened, we got small presents and that's about it. We were up late last night and traded gifts. I got this in a color called "Gypsy Pink" that is not pictured here. (Amazing how it was impossible to find a photo. I looked.) He said he saw it across the store and knew it was for me. How cute. I was scared to death when he came in with a clothing box. He DOES know my "I'm going to the gym/running/hiking/Pilates/yoga" style, but can't quite figure out my "normal clothes" style. He did wonderfully. This thing is super soft, warm, and it zips down from the top AND up from the bottom, which he remembered I LOVE.
I gave him this:

I'm kidding. YEAH RIGHT. Satchel is my baby. I would have teased him by putting Piper in a box, but she would have chewed out of it in .3732187089 seconds and/or jumped out of his arms to an unforgiving stone floor the second he cracked the box open .9378273120 inches. Seriously.
Anyway. I got him one of these and one of these (so he has motivation to get us moving) and this cheesy thing which was kind of a joke and which I filled in with silly answers, but I think he liked best of all. And this, which is something he never would have bought for himself but looks hot. But I gave him that a few weeks ago. He needed it. That way, he can wear his stupid t-shirts but still look stylish. See, we all win!!
Ben has another interview Wednesday, but I am still hoping for the one he interviewed at last week. I think I have to give up on "dream job" (full disclosure after I am absolutely sure) but I sent a nice letter to the local natural foods store (here) and unless they are insane they will read my experience and call me back.
Here is Satchel, helping Daddy find jobs:

(I wish she could help Daddy clean the place up, too.)
Awww! Congrats & Happy Anniversary, you two!
Ben did an excellent job picking out your gift. Oh man. The day Levi shows up with a clothing box in tow I know I'm in big trouble. He's actually told me that he'd never do it, because he knows he'd pick out something wrong. Uh huh, yup. :\
Find out when and where you can talk to Karen.. She's a pretty cool women.. .I've known 5 or 6 people who have worked for her..
Not a Bad Place to BE... especially since you can stock up on your fruits and veggies on the Cheap!
Happy Anniversary! Satchel in the envelope is SO adorable!
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